Pristine Kosher

the only

cRc Certified Kashering Service

Serving: Baltimore | Silver spring | Philadelphia | New Jersey | New York | Upstate | Florida | Detroit | Toronto La | Arizona | Cleveland Chicago | Atlanta | Waterbury | Cincinnati | Houston | Dallas | Israel

the only

cRc certified kashering service

Serving: Baltimore | Silver spring | Philadelphia | New Jersey | New York | Upstate | Florida | Detroit | Toronto La | Arizona | Cleveland Chicago | Atlanta | Waterbury | Cincinnati | Houston | Dallas | Israel

What we kasher




Warming Drawers


800 +
Kitchens kashered
0 +
certified representatives

Does this sound like you?

Any help before Pesach is a game-changer.

Pristine Kosher is the peace of mind you’re looking for:


cRc Approval Certification

*Kashering only

Professional Service
& Mess-Free

Who am I trusting?

All of our representatives go through a rigorous training bootcamp to ensure your kitchen gets Kashered with the highest kashrus standards.




Rabbi Sholem Fishbane,
Kashrus Administrator, cRc

Kashering a kitchen has a lot of intricate details which require a certain level of expertise. It is far more than someone simply pouring hot water on open areas. We are therefore proud that Pristine Kosher has created a game-changer in the home kashering business. We train talented and qualified representatives to represent us in kashering kitchens. You can feel comfortable using cRc certified Pristine Kosher under Noam and Sammy to kasher your kitchen. This is a great way to greet Yom Tov with confidence!

Rabbi Dovid Cohen,
Rabbinic Coordinator, cRc

I have the honor of training Pristine Kosher representatives and occasionally show up to Pristine Kosher job sites. The representatives go about their work in a qualified, professional manner. They are highly skilled and perform the job efficiently and precisely. A real pleasure to watch.

Note: Kashering only is under the cRc certification


1. If it’s your home, for 24 hours prior, nothing hot can be used on things getting kashered: sinks, stove-tops, counters, and ovens.
2. Thorough cleaning of everything getting kashered. Counters should be cleared.

Depending on the size of your kitchen and worker speed, between 45 min and 1.15 hour

No. Your kitchen is now chometz-free and ready to cook.
(unless you have time left for your oven to self-clean)

No. There are materials like porcelain and ceramic sinks that can not be kashered and need an insert.  We make sure to check your kitchen to make sure everything can be kashered before we start.g kashered. Counters should be cleared.

The cRc does not require covering after we finish, however there are different customs and stringencies.  Check with your Local Orthodox Rabbi.

Yes. We use a precise amount of water that doesn’t soak or ruin your kitchen but rather kashers in a efficient way and can get the water cleaned up quickly. 

1. If it’s your home, for 24 hours prior, nothing hot can be used on things getting kashered: sinks, stove-tops, counters, and ovens.
2. Thorough cleaning of everything getting kashered. Counters should be cleared.

Depending on the size of your kitchen and worker speed, between 45 min and 1.15 hour

No. Your kitchen is now chometz-free and ready to cook.
(unless you have time left for your oven to self-clean)

No. There are materials like porcelain and ceramic sinks that can not be kashered and need an insert.  We make sure to check your kitchen to make sure everything can be kashered before we start.g kashered. Counters should be cleared.

The cRc does not require covering after we finish, however there are different customs and stringencies.  Check with your Local Orthodox Rabbi.

Yes. We use a precise amount of water that doesn’t soak or ruin your kitchen but rather kashers in a efficient way and can get the water cleaned up quickly. 

1. If it’s your home, for 24 hours prior, nothing hot can be used on things getting kashered: sinks, stove-tops, counters, and ovens.
2. Thorough cleaning of everything getting kashered. Counters should be cleared.

Depending on the size of your kitchen and worker speed, between 45 min and 1.15 hour

No. Your kitchen is now chometz-free and ready to cook.
(unless you have time left for your oven to self-clean)

No. There are materials like porcelain and ceramic sinks that can not be kashered and need an insert.  We make sure to check your kitchen to make sure everything can be kashered before we start.g kashered. Counters should be cleared.

The cRc does not require covering after we finish, however there are different customs and stringencies.  Check with your Local Orthodox Rabbi.

Yes. We use a precise amount of water that doesn’t soak or ruin your kitchen but rather kashers in a efficient way and can get the water cleaned up quickly. 

Wherever this Yom Tov season takes you, get your kitchen kashered by a responsible, knowledgeable representative today:




Wherever this Yom Tov season takes you, get your kitchen kashered by a responsible, knowledgeable representative today:


